Improving Psychology Practice Outcomes: InPsych Magazine Publication

Psychology Outcomes is somewhat of a renegade psychology practice. Big statement for sure. Everything we do is to try and move closer to our goal to improve mental health treatment. We don’t just do therapy as thats not the only way to help individuals across Australia to feel better. To that end we published an article discussing how and why we use outcome measures to measure client progress as well as how it can help our clients and ourselves to know how effective out treatment is. It is hoped that this can inspire other professionals to do the same. We have a feeling this is the case as since the publication we have received well over 100 emails from professionals wanting to know how this can be done. So what do we do to try and move closer to our goal to improve mental health treatment? We write up the method we used and give it to everyone that asks for it. In fact, it has been available for free since Psychology Outcomes published their therapy outcomes on the website in 2019 as it has a QR code in which anyone can scan and receive the method on their phone. We understand that this was before everyone was used to QR Codes but again it is available.

Below is an excerpt of the InPsych Article with the full article available here

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“Increasing client confidence

Providing education to clients about the effectiveness of your treatment and openly discussing which client groups and presentations you are most or least effective with can increase client confidence. Using outcome data to guide these transparent conversations is not only ethical, but also creates trust with clients and increases their confidence in the treatment offered.”

As seen in InPsych Magazine, click the cover below to be redirected to the full article.

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